12 sep 2013

A New Element: Dust

I just finished reading a trilogy called ''His Dark Materials''. What was interesting about this book, besides the storyline, was that in that universe there was this element called ''Dust''. No, not the dust you find beneath your bed where your lazy ass (and mine) did not care to clean. Dust; little golden particles that are flowing EVERYWHERE, like oxygen atoms. It only manifests itself when creatures become aware of life and become conscious. This goes for human beings (Dust reached us 30,000 years ago when we stopped being cavemen) but also other creatures in parallel universes. The problem is that if Dust goes away, all creatures stop being conscious and we become cavemen again, we lose knowledge and wisdom. And to keep Dust in our universe, all we have to do is.. well I shall just show you what the book said.

The point is, to keep fictional Dust in our universe (in real life this would be consciousness and purpose) we have to keep evolving and bettering ourselves. The problem I find is that even though I am aware of this, I will not do anything about it. Neither will you, nobody will. And it makes me wonder: is every motivational and philosophical thing in life just a big woopsie-doo story that we never get to live? Or is there actually a way to execute our purpose? (Besides making a nice living) I do sort of believe that Dust exists. Haven't you ever wondered how it is possible you are conscious, and why animals are not? I suppose it is because humans became aware of their surroundings and they let Dust flow through them, and we started developing. We came a long way from being cavemen to having an actual society. Sometimes I imagine Dust flowing everywhere, but I see it streaming away from us. Instead of Dust falling down on us like snow does, it is streaming away from us, like bad rainy weather in Holland. And I think this is because we are becoming less conscious, we are putting our lives on auto-pilot. I myself am guilty of this too.

The beautiful thing about novels is that you can make a journey through a different realm, where Dust actually exists and you learn these things. What is less exciting is when the journey ends, and you come back to this realm.

Thanks for reading, and let's continue on auto-pilot.

P.S. I am not retarded, as a religious person myself I believe consciousness is a gift from God, yet it makes you wonder what might be in the air that let's us stay conscious; that is where Dust comes in.
P.P.S. I might have confused you and I might have contradicted myself, tough luck.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Do not let your perception of "dust" flow become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Human beings can and DO turn their conscious development into action every day. Ghandi and MLK were regular, ordinary men. There was nothing special or different about them. They were human beings, just like you and me. These ordinary humans made the decision to turn off the "auto-pilot" and fly their own planes. Look what happens when ordinary men decide to do that.

    If you believe that consciousness is a gift from God, then know this: God has an even greater gift he wants to give the world, and he can only do it through YOUR actions. He wants *you* (and me, and everyone) to use our consciousness and make that decision not to live on auto-pilot. Through mindfulness and reflection, we will take those actions to evolve and better ourselves... And as a byproduct, we will make the world a better place. <3

    Loved your post.

  2. Great post and really makes you think about the purpose of life.

  3. This is some deep thinking stuff. Love the reminder of "gaining wisdom and passing it on."

  4. It's always fun when something fictional parallels with reality and gets you thinking. This is a great post and now has me intrigued to find out more about this book.

  5. Super interesting. I'm always on the lookout for something new :)
