2 okt 2010


So I don't have a lot confidence, that's just the way it is, I used to get bullied because of my appearance so that did something with me. Anyway though, I'm not confident enough, but that is something I accept, by accepting that I acknowledge that I'm ugly at the same time. So when I be talking with people they notice sometimes that I have a bad thought about myself and they be saying ''Humair, you're not ugly, stop that!'' .... Forreal? You just told me that? So when you ask me: ''What haircut should I get?'' and I say ''Not a straight pony'' what the hell would you be thinking? Probably the same as me; ''WTF''. Like forreal, wtf should I think next? Don't tell me that I'm not ugly, better shut your mouth if you can't say me something nice -__-'. You'll probably be thinking that you helped me out, no bitch you didn't. That was some useless-ass information... I know I'm not ugly btw, otherwise I wouldn't get girls hahah, they (who like me) think I'm cute or something, because of my personality. Yes I háve a personality! I know you don't, at that point a lot of people would like to be me... a somebody. I don't really know why the fuck I blogged this, didn't want to gain attention or something, but I just wanted to get this shit straight. Have a nice day :-)

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